Bryce Gibbs Phd Psychological Testing and Assessment in Austin

What is neuropsychological testing?

Neuropsychological testing is a type of testing performed by a licensed clinical psychologist with specialized training in the field of neuropsychology. Neuropsychological assessments are indicated for patients who have common neurocognitive conditions like Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or even learning disorders such as dyslexia. In addition to these common conditions, neuropsychologists will frequently evaluate patients who have more serious neuropsychological conditions like dementia, traumatic brain injuries, epilepsy, or post-concussive syndromes. Any injury or medical condition that could be negatively affecting cognition, mood, or behavior may warrant an assessment from a neuropsychologist.

Common tests given by neuropsychologists

Neuropsychologists administer psychological tests that are similar to those given by clinical psychologists who do testing. These tests assess intelligence, academic functioning, mood, motor functions, and personality. In addition, neuropsychologists administer specialized tests of neurocognitive functioning that are meant to evaluate more detailed aspects of a person’s thought processes and memory. Tests commonly administered by neuropsychologists include:

How do I know if I need neurpopsych testing?

For younger children and teenagers, a teacher, learning specialist, or a physician may suggest they receive a neuropsychological assessment. Often, these referrals are made because someone in the child’s life, even a parent, has concerns about the child’s attention, behavior, or mood. In fact, one of the most commonplace conditions assessed for and diagnosed by neuropsychologists is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Other common reasons a child or adult may require a neuropsychological evaluation is because an accident or medical event has caused some kind of observable cognitive impairment. Examples include concussions, strokes, seizures, age-related cognitive decline, dementia, and neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis (MS). After a neuropsychologist makes a diagnosis, their recommendations may include medication, cognitive rehabilitation, academic accommodations in school, or psychotherapy.

Typically, a neuropsychological test battery can take from 6 to 8 hours to administer depending on the nature pf the presenting problem (though in some cases testing may need to be broken up into two days). The test process begins with a clinical interview that takes approximately an hour (commonly, for kids, two interviews are conducted, one with parents and another interview with the child while undergoing testing). After the interview, testing will occur with a psychometrist trained in the administration and scoring of neuropsychological tests. After testing is complete, the psychologist in charge of your assessment will analyze and interpret the test data and you will be provided feedback (either verbally or in written format).

We serve children, teens, and adults and can meet almost any assessment need. These include 504 academic accommodations testing, college disability assessments, veteran disability testing, and mental fitness assessments. Please contact Bryce Gibbs PhD & Associates for additional information about our psychological assessment process.